Fully Operational and Income Generating Already!
As of October 31, 2016, 575 total number of population100-120 sow level
Breeders includes Duroc, Landress/large white, Jaltas, ACMC breeds

Piggery for sale in Badian, Cebu
This 20,000 Sq.m lot With Sanitary and Business Permit. The piggery has 5 buildings: 2 farrowing areas, elevated nursery, breeding and 2-storey grow out section. Also includes the market area, the Feedmill building and the farm office inside it.
PHP 25m
AREA: 20,000 Sq.m – Large property with plenty of space for development.
Features of this Piggery for Sale in Toril, Taytay, Badian, Cebu
- Complete business permits, environmental permits, etc.
- Fully fenced area
- The permit capacity is 1000 in population
- 3 biogas digester
- 3 overhead watertanks
- 1 deepwell
- Feedmill mixer and hammer mill
- 1 pressure washer
- 1 submersible pump
- The piggery has 5 buildings
- 2 Storey Grower Area
- Farm Office
- Market Area
- Elevated Nursery
- 1 forward truck
- The permit capacity is 1000 in population, with an option to absorb 12 hardworking personnel
- As to date, we have 800 total population but will vary due to continuing operation.
- We have 100 to 120 sow levels, including Gilts (breeds of Duroc, largewhites/landress, AcMc breeds and local sows.
LOCATION: Taytay, Badian, Cebu, Philippines
With an option to assume out rented meat shop in Cebu City.
To make an enquiry about this lot for sale please call +63 (0)93 6408 6417 or email Josephine@badian.info Alternatively click the button below and fill out the contact form.